U.S. Supreme Court Restores Arizona Law Aimed at Disenfranchising Native Americans and College Students

In a 5-4 vote August 22nd, the U.S. Supreme Court reinstated part of an Arizona voter suppression bill requiring citizens to provide proof of citizenship in addition to other identity documents.  The law targets Native American voters, who sometimes don’t have birth certificates, and college students, who may not have the documents available.  Both groups skew liberal.

Federal Appeals Court Says a Galveston,Texas Coalition of Black and Latinx Voters Doesn’t Qualify as a Majority Minority Voting District

Black & Latinx voters sued Galveston County, TX in 2022 over racially gerrymandered voting maps intended to dilute the power of minority voters.  The lower court judge in the case called the maps “mean-spirited” and “egregious,” but an appeals court just blocked minority coalitions from bringing such challenges.

U.S. Supreme Court Majority Says Trump Immunity Hinges on ‘Official’ vs. ‘Private’ Actions, and Alarmingly Expands Presidential Powers

The U.S. Supreme Court ruled July 1st that former President Donald Trump has criminal immunity for his “official” acts as President, but not for “private” acts.   The majority’s decision was not quite a “get out of jail free” card, but expanded the official powers of the President to near authoritarian levels.